Lake of the Woods Waterfowl Hunting - Duck & Goose


Goose & duck hunting in Ontario is very popular, especially in our area of Lake of the Woods. We are located close to the border of the Central Flyway and the Mississippi Flyway, which produces vast quantities of birds. The diversity of species is like no other place in Ontario, which is another reason why our waterfowl hunts are so popular.

Goose and Duck hunters will both find success without having to travel far from the lodge. The bay right in front of the lodge features long beds of Wild Rice as well as other plants that waterfowl love. There are also neighboring grain fields that attract massive flocks of birds. If you feel adventurous there are many miles to explore with abundant Wild Rice beds being very common along the shore. Guides are also available if you think you might need one if you are also fishing for part of your stay.

There are a quite a number of species of ducks found here, with Blue Bills and Mallards probably being most popular with hunters. You will see a wide variety of ducks in the early season of September, which includes Mallards, Teal and Wood Ducks. Following those are the Ring-necked Ducks, Bluebills, Black Ducks, Buffleheads, and Goldeneyes, which follow usually in early October.

There are also tremendous amounts of Canada Geese and Snow Geese flying in the area to rest and feed. It is a spectacular sight to see these giant "V" formations flying right over the lodge.

Goose hunting starts September 1st. Duck hunting starts on September 10th. We do offer a combo fishing / hunt (Duck / Goose / Woodcock / Grouse) package that runs September 15 to October 15.

Duck Stamp is available to purchase on-line
Waterfowl Hunting Regulations

Firearms & Ammunition

You may bring hunting rifles or shotguns into Ontario for hunting or competition purposes if you are 18 years of age or older.
You are allowed 200 rounds of ammunition for hunting or 1,500 rounds for use at a recognized shooting competition.
Archery equipment may be brought across the border at no charge. You do not have to register them, however, you do have to mention that you are bringing them across.
All fully automatic weapons and handguns are prohibited.

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Canadian Firearms Declaration Form:

You will be required to fill out a temporary gun permit (Firearm Declaration Form & Continuation Sheet) to bring firearms into Canada. The fee is $25 payable at the border crossing.

Please Note: Do not sign your declaration form until the customs agent asks you to. All forms need to filled out in triplicate and complete.

Non-Resident Firearm Declaration Forms & Continuation Sheet are available by emailing, or by calling 1-800-731-4000 (Canada and U.S.) or 1-506-624-5380 (other countries) and from all Customs offices across Canada. Visit the RCMP web site for more information

Download Non-Resident Canadian Firearm Declaration Form (Adobe .pdf)

Download Non-Resident Firearm Declaration Continuation Sheet (Adobe .pdf)

Buy a Fishing License and Outdoor Card on-line here
Buy a Hunting License and Outdoor Card on-line here

Ontario Fishing Regulations Page
Ontario Hunting Regulations Page

Should you have any general questions pertaining to the hunting regulations summary please contact the Natural Resource Information Centre at 1-800-667-1940 or by emailing

Helpful Border Crossing Information Sites
US State Department
US / Canada Border Crossing

Criminal Record ???
We suggest you communicate with a Canadian Immigration office prior to your planned trip if you have a criminal record.